An oriental body to body massage is one of the best and most erotic styles of massage therapy. If that’s caught your eye, you should carry on reading. We’ve scoured the web and searched high and low for all the facts on the oriental body to body massage. Read on to discover what a sensual oriental body to body massage is, what happens during a typical session and the various health benefits regular massages can bring.
What is an oriental body to body massage?
An oriental body to body massage is a highly erotic style of Asian massage. Also, known as a body 2 body massage or b2b for short, it is a full body massage where the therapist uses her body to sensually massage the client. As well as using her hands, she uses her naked body, pressing and stroking her skin, various curves and planes against her client’s skin. It is designed to arouse and often includes direct stimulation of the erogenous zones to lead up to a physical release of tension. There are a range of health benefits associated with an oriental body to body massage.
What isn’t an oriental body to body massage?
A b2b massage worth paying for isn’t the cheap, comedic sleazy affair you see portrayed on TV shows and film screens. The massage is an erotic and sensual art that has a rich history that dates back as far as the Ancient Roman and Egyptian times. An authentic oriental body to body massage is difficult to find in London. There are many places that claim to offer genuine services, but the therapists are often not professionally trained. Real body 2 body masseuses are fully trained and highly skilled.
Typical oriental body to body massage techniques
A body 2 body masseuse will make full use of her sensuous curves and soft skin to offer a range of exciting sensations. During an oriental body to body massage, she will press her breasts, her thighs, her stomach, her calves and her groin against you. She will caress these sensual body parts at varying pressures and speeds to stimulate all parts of your body, even the parts that aren’t touching her. An authentic body to body masseuse will make you feel the tingle all the way from your head to your toes to the very tips of your fingers.
A spiritual experience
An oriental body to body massage typically uses tantra, which is a style of meditation that was practiced by the ancient Indians. Through tantric meditation, life and sexual energy can be efficiently circulated through the body and help lead you to a new, blissful state of consciousness.
An oriental body to body massage is purely a more physical way of achieving this. As well as focusing the mind, it also uses the power of sensual touch and physical arousal to encourage energy balance. The aim is to focus on the physical sensations and allow them to take you to a higher level of awareness. It also balances deep sexual pleasure with delaying orgasms so helps to exercise self-control. Thus, an oriental body to body massage is a pleasurable and holistic experience as it involves the body, mind and soul, and can pave the way for a more controlled and intense sex life.
The benefits of an oriental body to body massage
1. Promotes a stable, healthy well-being
Skin on skin contact can have some miraculous effects on our well-being. Touch helps to build trust and close relationship bonds between individuals. It makes us feel loved and cared for, which naturally increases our happiness levels due to our bodies releasing endorphins and hormones into our bloodstream. An oriental body to body massage helps both men and women enjoy the comforting touch of another human.
2. Keeps skin soft, supple and elasticated
During an oriental body to body massage, the therapist will use massage oil to ensure minimum friction between her skin and yours. This means her skin can freely slide and slip along your body. As well as feeling pleasurable, the oil is also very moisturizing. A b2b massage means your whole body can be coated in moisturizing oil which penetrates your skin to provide deep hydration.
3. Improves blood circulation
Massage uses a variety of manual pressures which physically pushes blood around the body. This means the more congested areas of the body can be unblocked and the extremities can receive a greater amount of nutrient-rich blood.
4. Reduces stress and anxiety
It’s well-known that massage is extremely relaxing and effective at reducing stress. This is to do with our craving for human touch and because massage physically pushes tension out of muscles. A body to body is even better for that – it uses full bodyweight and total naked bodily contact, which promotes an even greater sense of tranquillity. It also helps release oxytocin, which is also known as love hormone, and often causes orgasms. And we all know how well orgasms work at reducing stress.
5. Boosts immune system
Massage reduces levels of cortisol, the hormone that causes stress. Elevated levels of cortisol (aka when you are very stressed) attack our white blood cells, which are our soldiers against bacteria and viruses. By reducing stress, we are less likely to become ill.
6. Promotes better sleep
Stress and anxiety can cause insomnia. Because an oriental body to body massage can leave us so relaxed, it can actually help us sleep more soundly. How can we say no to that?
Where can I get an oriental body to body massage?
Erotic Massage UK offers the best high quality authentic B2B Massage London has to offer. – all at the hand of highly trained, beautiful Asian masseuses. Our treatments range from erotic and sensual to nuru and tantric massages, and cost from £120 an hour.