The Many Varying Forms of Massage
Wanting to get a massage is one thing, however, knowing which to get can be a completely different thing. The different types of massage are numerous, and it can often be that hard to choose from a list that it can be overwhelming as to what each massage actually is and what is involved in the process. Well, you’re not alone, in fact, quite a few people are a little clueless when it comes to the types of massage service available and the differences between out call and incall. So to clear things up and make it a little easier for you. We decided to give you a roundup of the most popular types of massage we offer and what they entail.
- technique used by an erotic masseuse on another person’s erogenous areas to enhance and stimulate their sexual arousal. They can be used for both men and women. For men, the area of focus is the male genitals. In the case of a woman, the two focal areas are the breasts and pubis.
- Nuru Massage – Nuru is a form or Erotic massage technique in which one or sometimes more masseuse rub their bodies against that of yours after both you and the masseuse are nude and covered in a slippery oil. The word Nuru is Japanese meaning slippery or smooth. The Nuru Masseuse often uses their entire body to treat the person and strong tactile sensations are felt and designed to relieve stress.
- Tantric Massage– A Tantric Massage is another form of erotic massage and incorporates elements of the neo-tantra movement and draws upon modern interpretations of tantra. Tantric massage includes various techniques from different areas of massage using elements of yoga and sex therapy.
- Body to Body Massage – Very similar in style to a Nuru massage a body to body massage involves the masseuse and client being naked and rubbing bodies together. This view the body as a temple and not one part is to be overlooked. A body to body massage can often entail stroking and massaging the genitals. A yoni massage for women or Lingam massage for men.
- 4 Hands Massage – A 4 hands massage is very similar to a normal 2 handed massage except with the addition of an extra set of hands. This can help to enhance the pleasure and experience gained. It is an extremely sensual experience.
- Lingam Massage– The lingam is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning staff of life. And in tantric belief was just as important as any other part of the body and not to be overlooked. This is involves massaging the Lingam, testicles, perineum and prostate externally to surrender the male to a form of pleasure he may not be used too.
- Prostate Massage– Deemed to be the sacred spot in a man’s body the prostate. This is when a masseuse will gently massage your prostate gland. The prostate is a small walnut-shaped semen storing gland is just below the bladder. There a numerous benefit’s from having a prostate massage and regular ones can reduce the risk of prostatitis, prostate cancer, genital pain and symptoms of erectile dysfunction as well.
So there you have it the 6 of the different types of massage that clients ask for and what they entail. Hopefully, if you are stuck on deciding which massage service is right for you then this has cleared things up and made it easy for you to decide. And if your still unsure or have further questions then why not feel free to ask us and give us a call anytime we’d be more than happy to help answers your question.